December 2014

Peanut Butter Popcorn Balls

These popcorn balls take about 10 minutes to make, and if you make them for a group, they’ll probably disappear in less time than that.  They are simple, yummy treats that make a great party or snack food.  And you can customize them to your taste; I made them very simple this time, but you […]

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Virtual Vegan Potluck: Flourless Italian Orange Cake with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting

Welcome Virtual Vegan Potluck visitors! I am thrilled to be participating in this potluck with 85(!) other bloggers, just in time for some holiday cooking & baking inspiration!  I hope you enjoy this recipe; not only is vegan, but also gluten-free. You can navigate the potluck and go to the recipe before or after mine

Virtual Vegan Potluck: Flourless Italian Orange Cake with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting Read More »

Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

It’s pie season for sure!  I made this for Thanksgiving with my family, and considering I was kinda making it up as I went along, it came out pretty good.  Next time I will probably use less chocolate, as the chocolate flavor ended up being more pronounced than the pumpkin and I really wanted it

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