October 2015

Nutty Chocolate Log | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Nutty Chocolate Log

This month’s theme from Recipe Redux is nuts, nuts and more nuts and well, I may have taken it to a nutty level.  This chocolate log is rich, full of nuts, and is reminiscent of an almond joy. I think it is anyways, it’s been a long time since I’ve had an almond joy. It

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Pumpkin Pie Pinwheels | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Pumpkin Pie Pinwheels

Attention hummus lovers (and I know there are tons of you out there!), have your pie and hummus too. That’s right!  There’s hummus in these sweet little bites and while you may not taste it, your internal hummus meter will be on its way to sweet fulfillment and your belly will be happy as happy

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Gut-sy Spider Cupcakes | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Gut-sy Spider Cupcakes

Are you grossed out yet? Good!  Welcome to a Halloween treat with a little trick inside.  The cupcake looks innocent enough, like a childish attempt at a spider, but then you take a bite out of it and green “guts” come spilling out.  Kids will love the gruesome surprise and I think a lot of

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