July 2016

Apple Sour Cream Muffins | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Apple Sour Cream Muffins

I’ve just discovered vegan sour cream from Follow Your Heart and I have to say I’m pretty impressed. I had it on a baked potato the other day – the ultimate test and it passed easily. And now in this muffin recipe, and again, it really makes all the difference in taste and texture. Yum […]

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Boozy Pops | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Boozy Pops! Strawberry Chocolate, Watermelon Basil and Peach Cocktail Popsicles

This month’s Recipe Redux theme is: With produce galore, now’s a great time to enjoy lots of fruits and vegetables. Show us how you’re serving the bounty of gardens and orchards in shapes like ribbons, noodles, cut-outs, or other creative cuts. So, I decided to show the fun I’ve been having with popsicles, my favorite

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Baked Cinnamon Donut Puffs | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Baked Cinnamon Donut Puffs

This recipe was inspired by one that was in my local paper and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to veganize it. Donut puffs, baked in mini muffin tins and coated in a cinnamon/sugar mix, who can resist?! Of course, they are super easy to make which just makes it all the

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