A Tribute To Chickpea Salad Sandwiches | The Lazy Vegan Baker

A Tribute To Chickpea Salad Sandwiches


Have you ever had a chickpea salad sandwich?


If you haven’t, you need to change that immediately. It’s the best-est of the best for sandwich fillings; it replaces any need for chicken or tuna salad; it’s unbelievably easy to make; it’s filling and nutritious and tasty and most importantly, no animals died. Win – Win – Win – Win!!

If you have made chickpea salad before, check out all these amazing variations, 26 to be exact, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of recipes out here in internet land —> it’s never boring, that’s for sure.

This is a tribute because while I was travelling without a stove and only an ice cooler to keep things chilled, my options were a wee bit limited when it came to dinner. And lunch. And breakfast lol. I almost lived off these sandwiches, which may sound horribly boring, however when you see how easy the recipes are to  make and adapt, you’ll understand I was quite happy living off them.

A chickpea salad sandwich is SO incredibly easy to make and the best part, it’s super filling and packed with nutritious protein. Because, as we all know, vegans getting their protein is such a hot debate. Well, guess, what, it’s SOLVED. (that’s a bit of a joke…we all know protein is not the problem…brainwashing that meat is the only option is the problem…)

If you’re a meat eater, or former meat eater, and you’ve made tuna salad or chicken salad or egg salad, then these recipes will sound familiar. They are based on the same idea – a protein mixed with mayo or other binder, some veg, some spices, and then heaped between slices of bread or rolled in a wrap, possibly with some lettuce, avocado, and tomato added for extra sandwich-i-ness (â„¢)(lol).

When I make this, I don’t generally follow a recipe. I use what I have on hand, with a general idea of what I know I like. Just like everyone has their own special way to make tuna salad that meets their taste preferences, so it is with chickpea salad. I encourage you to experiment. Start with the recipes below to see how many incredible variations there are and then go wild and make up your own special combination.

Many of these recipes call for a vegan mayo, store bought or homemade. If you aren’t into mayo or cream dressings like that, I’ve used different kinds of hummus before with awesome results.

Another great thing about chickpea salad sandwiches is you don’t have to use chickpeas! You can use other beans as well. I like cannelloni beans or white beans. Each one will provide a different texture profile. Chickpeas are denser and give more texture. White beans tend to mash easier and will be smoother.

26 Chickpea Salad Sandwich Recipes

(click the picture to be taken to the recipe)

Chickpea Chicken Salad | Veggie Inspired
Rosemary Chickpea Salad | Vegan Yack Attack
Chickpea Tuna Salad | Nut Free Vegan


Chickpea Salad with Red Grapes | Care2
Super Veggie Salad Sandwich | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Roasted Garlic Chickpea Salad | Spa Bettie


Vegan Tuna Salad | Veggies Save The Day
Chickpea Salad Sandwich | Vegan in the Freezer
Smashed Chickpea and Avocado Thanksgiving Sandwich | Yummy Mummy Kitchen


Vegan Tuna Sandwich | Veggie Desserts
Chickpea Salad Sandwiches with Potato Chips and Pickles | Kitchen Treat
Tahini Chickpea Salad | Dianne’s Vegan Kitchen



Vegan Chickpea Tuna Salad | Cadry’s Kitchen
Turmeric Chickpea Salad | Karissa’s Vegan Kitchen
Vegan Chickpea Caesar Salad Wrap | Rhian’s Recipes



Chickpea Salad Sandwiches | Dianne’s Vegan Kitchen
Vegan Curried Chickpea Salad | Blissful Basil
Vegan Tuna Salad | The Edgy Veg



Spicy Chickpea Avocado Salad Sandwich | Vegan Richa
Chickpea Salad Sandwich | Plant Based Cooking
Avocado Chickpea Lettuce Cups | The Tasting Page


Collard Greens Pesto Chickpea Salad Sandwich | Yup, It’s Vegan
Spiced Vegan Chickpea and Carrot Sandwich Filler | Tinned Tomatoes
White Bean Artichoke Sandwich | A Virtual Vegan



Curried Black Eyed Pea Salad Sandwiches | Strength & Sunshine
Creamy Loaded Mashed Chickpea Sandwich | Veggies Don’t Bite


I Got A Thousand Problems but Mayo Ain’t One!

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A Tribute To Chickpea Salad Sandwiches | The Lazy Vegan Baker






6 thoughts on “A Tribute To Chickpea Salad Sandwiches”

    1. lazyveganbaker@gmail.com

      Happy to! I was totally inspired by all the recipes while making this roundup – and I’m a chickpea sandwich pro lol!

  1. What a fun round-up! Chickpea salad is the best. When I first went vegan, I practically lived on it! It’s still a favorite when I’m short on time. Thanks for including my recipe in the mix!

    1. lazyveganbaker@gmail.com

      Four years into being vegan and I still live off these lol! I love all the variations and am glad to include yours :-).

  2. Pingback: A Tribute To Chickpea Salad Sandwiches; Like Tuna Salad But Kinder and Healthier and Tastes Better. - Sweet As! - Delicious & Easy Recipes

  3. Pingback: Hot Logic On The Road - The Lazy Vegan Baker

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