Baked Apple Blueberry Crisp (and Cookbook Announcement! )

Bake Apple Blueberry Crisp
Baked Apple Blueberry Crisp

Happy Autumn & almost Halloween!  Before sharing the directions for this fun Baked Apple, I have to share, brag, promote and pontificate about this:

Available for Amazon kindle - 3.99. Just released!
Available for Amazon kindle – 3.99. Just released!

It’s been a long time coming and I’m super happy to finally see it in ‘print’.  This cookbook is actually an e-book available through Amazon for kindle and is a collection of my top 25 vegan cookie recipes.   It is the first in a series, the next one will be all vegan cakes (or maybe pies…. :).  The Lazy Vegan Baker: Cookies is available for pre-order until Oct 27 for $2.99, after that it’ll be $3.99.   Some of the cookie recipes you’ll find in this ebook to delight your tastebuds are Chocolate Crackle Cookies, Outrageous Oatmeal Cookies, Chunky Monkey Cookies, Chai Shortbread, The Best Vegan Brownies, Butterscotch Blondies, and Seriously Ginger Cookies.  I tried to include a wide variety – I hope you like them!!  Pre-order now for the best price 😊.  I’d love to hear feedback too!!

And now, Baked Apple Blueberry Crisp :).  I used Cortland Apples from my dad’s cousin and they were delicious with the blueberry!

Cortland Apples
Cortland Apples


Baked Apple Blueberry Crisp (This recipe is per apple, so multiply by the number you are making)

  • One apple
  • 1/3 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon agave nectar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 5 tablespoons rolled oats (not instant)
  • 1 tablespoon Vegan butter or margarine
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 375F
  2. Core each apple and scoop out a hollow center in each one (see pic below)  Put apples in a baking dish.
  3. Mix the blueberries, agave, and cinnamon together and fill the hollowed apple.
  4. Mix the oats, vegan margarine and brown sugar together until it is a cohesive crumble and top each apple, pressing oat mixture so it stays on top.
  5. Cover with foil and bake 45 minutes or until apple is soft and cooked through.  The time this takes will vary depending on the kind of apple you are using – some may need to bake longer.
  6. Enjoy!
Hollowed out Apples
Hollowed out Apples
Filled with blueberries
Filled with blueberries


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