Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins

final 4 This month's Recipe Redux theme is Breakfast. Specifically, "Show us the healthy way you wake up your breakfast – or wake up just for breakfast!" Personally, I struggle eating breakfast. Often I just heat up leftovers from the previous night's dinner and that works fine. Chili, soup, rice and veggies, cold pizza it's all fair game. This morning I had peanut noodles and tofu with my coffee. But sometimes there are no leftovers and without enough caffeine in me to actually make something, I stare forlornly at the kitchen, open the fridge and hope something will pop out already made and ready to eat. Rarely does that happen, sadly. What I really need is someone to make breakfast for me every morning, now that would solve everything! oh, if wishes were horses cooling I'm not a huge fan of hot oatmeal. Sometimes it's ok, with enough coconut cream, sweetener and peanut butter, but often I find the texture disconcerting, a bit slimy and either too runny or too gloppy, and it's hard to make just how I like it.  Or I don't have the time to sit down to a bowl of something. This baked oatmeal solves all those problems. Baking dries out the oatmeal so it isn't soggy and making them in the muffin tin creates easy to carry breakfast to go. These are not muffins like you would imagine, I am using the term loosely to describe the shape, not the consistency. They are not all fluffy and sweet, but more a way to make your oatmeal breakfast transportable - oatmeal on the run, oatmeal in a hurry, oatmeal without a bowl. Really, it is like eating a bowl of oatmeal, except it's not in a bowl. They are dense and filling, just like classically made oatmeal. final 3 These are packed with all the good stuff to get your morning off to the right start - oats, peanut butter, apples, yogurt, carrots. They're healthy, only lightly sweetened with the agave and they keep well refrigerated or frozen. And of course, as with everything I do, they are very easy to make. Throw everything in a bowl, give it a good stirring, scoop into muffin tin and bake. Easy peasy! Shared on Healthy Vegan Fridays. final 2

Enjoy breakfast made a whole lot easier!

Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins (makes 12)
Jenny Dunklee | The Lazy Vegan Baker:
Recipe type: Breakfast
  • 3 cups oats (not instant)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed
  • ⅓ cup agave nectar or maple syrup
  • 1¼ cups non-dairy milk of choice
  • ½ cup non-dairy yogurt (I used plain but it could be good with a flavored one too I imagine)
  • ⅓ cup aquafaba*
  • ½ cup all natural peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 apples, peeled and shredded
  • 1 large carrot, shredded
  1. Preheat oven to 375F. Lightly grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the oatmeal, baking powder, cinnamon and flax seed.
  3. Add all the other ingredients and mix until completely combined.
  4. Divide batter between muffin cups. They will be filled pretty high - that's ok.
  5. Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden brown and set.
  6. Let cool 10 minutes in pan and then gently remove and place on a metal cooling rack.
  7. These are best after they are completely cooled. While they are still warm, they can be a little moist in the center, which if you don't like the whole wet oatmeal thing, you'll want to avoid.
  8. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to 7 days or wrap individually in plastic, place in a freezer bag and store in the freezer. You can take them out the day before to defrost or toss them in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until not frozen anymore.
*aquafaba is the brine from a can of chickpeas, the liquid that normally gets drained off. Don't toss it, it makes an excellent egg replacer :-).

filled muffin tin

finished 1


Looking for more awesome healthy breakfast ideas? Check out what other Recipe Reduxers created for breakfast this month by clicking the blue frog link up button below :-).

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