Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burger | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers

IMG_20150708_204342 These vegan burgers are all kinds of healthy and delicious rolled into one. It may seem odd to add granola to a veggie burger, and I wasn’t sure it was going to work, but the Maple Granola from Golden Girl Granola has just the right amount of sweetness to complement the sweet potato and the right amount of crunch to add texture to the burger. I wanted to pack them with nutrition and I think the beans, walnuts, kale and flax seed do that quite well and add loads of flavor. The best part is these are so easy to make it’s ridiculous. Dinner on the table in no time at all πŸ™‚

Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Scoops of burger mix.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Patties crusted and ready for the oven.

I’m not a huge fan of granola, in fact I rarely eat it, but a year ago I had a chance to try a sample of Golden Girl Granola and I was blown away. The oats are cut super thin and delicate and just perfectly spiced and sweetened, without any unnecessary crappy ingredients. I have always thought of granola as big crunchy clumps and clusters, which I really don’t like; this was revolutionary to my taste buds. And then, a few months ago, I heard they were having a recipe contest and I jumped at the chance – the winner gets a years supply of granola – yes, please!

Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Golden Girl Granola Forest Maple – super yummy!
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Forest Maple Granola

Hope you like these burgers, and if you like lightly sweetened, delicately flavored, not-going-to-break-your-teeth-off granola, then look up Golden Girl. It’s good! This post has been added to the Plant-Based Potluck Party,Β Saucy SaturdaysΒ and Meat Free Mondays -all places for awesome recipe sharing and inspiration! IMG_20150708_204607

Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Jenny Dunklee | The Lazy Vegan Baker:
Serves: 8
  • 1 cup cooked sweet potato, lightly mashed *
  • 1⅓ cups Golden Girl Granola Forest Maple
  • 1 15 oz can cannellini beans, drained
  • 1 cups walnuts
  • ½ cup baby spinach (2 oz)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ - 1 teaspoon chili powder (adjust to taste)
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  1. In a food processor, pulse the granola several times until it is just a bit finer. Β Separate ground granola into two portions. 1 cup in a pie plate or shallow dish to use for crusting the burgers later on and ⅓ cup in a large bowl where you will be adding the rest of the burger ingredients.
  2. Put the cannellini beans in the food processor and pulse several times until broken up but not completely smooth. Add to bowl.
  3. Pulse the walnuts a few times in the processor and add to bowl (again, you want smaller pieces but not crumbs).
  4. Add the spinachΒ to the processor and pulse until bite size bits and add to bowl.
  5. Add the remainder of the ingredients and mash it all together until well combined.
  6. Let chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  7. Preheat oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray lightly with oil.
  8. Using a ⅓ measuring cup, scoop out the dough.
  9. Form the scoops into round patties with your hands and then gently coat the tops, bottoms and sides with the reserved granola.
  10. Place on prepared baking sheet and bake 15 minutes, then turn patties over and bake an additional 15 minutes.
  11. Serve with your favorite burger bun and toppings.
* I find the easiest way to cook sweet potatoes is to bake them. Turn your oven to 375F, line a baking sheet with foil, pierce the sweet potatoes a bunch with a fork and bake for 45-60 minutes until soft and tender. Β Let cool and scoop the flesh out.


Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
All the ingredients
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
All mashed together
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Scoop out with 1/3 cup measure.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Scoops of mixture.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Form into patties and roll in granola.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Ready for the oven.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Just out of the oven.
Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Ready to eat!

Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers | The Lazy Vegan Baker


18 thoughts on “Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers”

  1. Looks good! I’m always looking for new veggie burger recipes to try out, and these look totally unique. Can’t wait to try them.

  2. This is so creative! I can totally imagine how the maple granola would taste with sweet potato though, yum πŸ™‚

  3. What a great combination of savory and sweet and the texture seems like it will be right on. I’ll look for that granola next time grocery shopping! Thanks for sharing this with #SaucySaturdays.

  4. I have never made a sweet potato patty before! My hubby loves sweet potatoes and I know he will love the crunchy texture of the granola! Thanks for linking up to #SaucySaturdays~

  5. How delectable! I adore the chunky texture and complex flavor of these amazing veggie burgers, so I am delighted that you shared your healthy and delicious Granola Crusted Sweet Potato Burgers with us on the Plant-Based Potluck Party Link Up. I can’t wait to try your recipe. I’m pinning and sharing.
    I also appreciate the opportunity to explore your vegan recipes and make a new blogging friend!

    1. Oh thank you! I always like hearing feedback and making new friends :-). I love the linky party; thank you so much for putting it together so we can all discover new recipes and find inspiration!

  6. Pingback: Share the Food & Fun at the Plant Based Potluck Party Link Up #54

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