Grilled (or Baked) Banana Boats – welcome grilling season!!

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I saw this online, I can’t even remember where, but I’ve been saying for a month that I have to make them. I don’t even like bananas but holy cow these were amazing.  You can put anything in them – chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, marshmallows, nuts, graham cracker bits, and coconut to name a few.  I even saw someone mention adding rum, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon for a bananas foster take on it.  Definitely trying that next time!!

Grilled (or Baked) Banana Boats

Step One:  If you are using an oven, preheat to 400F.  If you are using the grill, it should be medium heat.

Step Two:  Slice the banana down the center, lengthwise, being careful not to slice through the peel on the other side.  Set your banana on a piece of foil and start filling it up (I used chocolate chips, peanut butter & vegan marshmallows)!

stuffed 1

stuffed 2

Vegan Marshmallows
Vegan Marshmallows

Step Three:  Wrap loosely in tin foil, making a tent at the top of the tin foil so the toppings don’t touch and stick to the foil.

wrapped in foil

Step Four:  If cooking on the grill, place foil wrapped bananas directly on grill and cook for 8-10 minutes or until banana peel is blackened and toppings are melted.  If cooking in the oven, place foil wrapped bananas on a oven safe tray and bake at 400F for 12-15 minutes, again, until peel is blackened and toppings are melted.

Step Five: Devour!

out of the oven

full cooked banana


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5 thoughts on “Grilled (or Baked) Banana Boats – welcome grilling season!!”

  1. We just got hold of the very same vegan marshmallows in Munich. Am eager to try it 🙂

  2. I have to agree I was surprised and impressed at how tasty these are, and how quick and easy to make; From the back-porch grill to the campfire and everything in between. Sometime I’ve also got to try this over ice cream (Like a baked version of a banana-split, or something).

    The M.O. of this dish reminds me of LVB’s veggie burgers: 1. The more toppings the better , 2. Don’t forget to breathe as this sensual delight conjures primal instincts you didn’t know you possessed, as you revel in the culinary experience, and unwittingly dive in with two bare fists and proceed to devour all remnants of this deliciousness in record time, embarrassingly in pig-like fashion. 3. Have a napkin on hand for when you regain consciousness from this out-of-body experience. 4. Try not to sound like a crazed-loon when you express to your friends how good these “hobo-wraps” are, and how they absolutely *must* try it. Just kidding about the “hobo-wraps”. But good-food is good-food, and the recipe is the same whether its baked on a $50,000 gold-plated grill or baked under the hood of a proud farmer’s tractor. Maybe that didn’t sound nice, but I couldn’t resist taking a jab at the snobs out there that might scoff at this foil-wrapped baked-in banana peel. Call it “campy” if you will, and if classy presentation is more important to you than getting the “full-experience”, then go-ahead and “plate-it” on fine china, but I’d have to say you’re missing out on a lot of the fun of this dish, that comes from creating it yourself, and enjoying the satisfaction of your baked gooey creation, which is simply heaven on a spoon. This is classic, like banana-split meets s’mores.

    – Mike (The Lazy Vegan Boyfriend 🙂

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