Vegan Travel on a Budget | The Lazy Vegan Baker

No stove. No refrigerator. No problem. Eating vegan on the road.

I will be travelling the southeast U.S. for the next month in my super awesome DIY sprinter camper (…read VERY diy!). There is no stove. No sink. No refrigerator. And I’m not freaking out.

I have a decent size cooler which I’ll have to keep replenished with ice. We’ll see how that goes. As you know, I am lazy. However on top of that, my brain is like a sieve. Remembering to get ice may not work out well.

SO! What does a vegan eat on the road that doesn’t need to be cooked or refrigerated? Oh, and on a budget?!?! (Just to make it more fun lol). I’m saving all my extra spending money for treats like this -> My Vegan Sweet Tooth

Here is my master list of dry staples:

  • Avocados (#1 priority!)
  • Bread/bulkie rolls/wraps
  • Crackers and chips
  • Bananas
  • Peanut butter (and other nut butters)
  • Hemp Seeds (gotta get that protein)
  • Cans of beans –> chickpeas, cannelloni, black (more protein)
  • Baked beans (heinz vegetarian is vegan)
  • Ready made baked tofu (and even more protein, don’t freak out)
  • Jelly
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Mandarins (fresh and canned)
  • Trail mix
  • Peanuts
  • Peanut Butter pretzels (trader Joe’s and aldis have these – a must for survival!)
  • Granola bars
  • Tetra pak soy milk (shelf stable)
  • Chai tea (for cold brewing)
  • Coffee (for cold brewing)
  • Other nuts if they are affordable.
  • Pickles
  • Dried cranberries, dried apples, …
  • Shoyu or tamari
  • Liquid aminos
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Nutiva chocolate hazelnut spread
  • Vegan Marshmallows
  • Veg on sale for sandwiches –> cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce
  • Spices — > turmeric, smoked paprika, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, dried basil…

For storage in the cooler:

  • Vegan mayo (for making chickpea salad sandwiches)
  • So much hummus!
  • Open soy milks

Tips for stocking your camper:

  1. Seek out discount stores!!! Canned beans can be found super cheap. I found vegan protein shakes for $1 each as they were a week out of date. Bought them all and they are perfect for the road.
  2. Plan in advance as much as possible so you can stock up on things when they’re on sale. Don’t depend on what you can find on the road. Sometimes you may find yourself in a bind with only expensive options available.

Meals I plan on making with these supplies:

  1. Chickpea (or other bean) salad sandwiches. There are bunches of recipes on the web however, I just wing it with what I have on hand. Usually a combination of smashed beans, vegan mayo, nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, onion flakes, dill pickles, dried cranberries and walnuts/cashews if I have them. You can also use hummus in place of the mayo.
  2. Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
  3. Nutiva sandwiches
  4. Veggie wraps
  5. Bananas & peanut butter sandwiches
  6. Avocado smashed on bread with hemp seeds
  7. Baked beans on bread (with nutritional yeast and veg)
  8. Seasoned bean & veg bowls.
  9. Hummus and veg wraps

What do you pack for a trip? I’d love to hear ideas and suggestions.

A few pictures of my supplies.


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