Recipe Testing in Progress; Cookbook Coming Soon!

Some very awesome people have been helping me do a final test of the cookie recipes before I publish. It is very exciting, and a bit nerve-wracking! I want all the recipes to be perfect, of course, and what if someone doesn’t like them…nail-biting suspense on my part as I wait to hear the outcome. But, happily and joyfully, it’s all been good and I’ve been getting some really wonderful feedback that is so appreciated.  

Thank you to everyone!!   And here are some pictures of the cookies tried and a little sneak-peak into what’s in the cookie-book!

Chocolate Crackle Cookes

Thanks Jordan! (you take awesome pics!!)

Peanut Butter Cookies

Thanks Tara G.!
Thanks Tara G.!

Chocolate Chip Applesauce Cookies

Thanks Emily!
Thanks Emily!

Orange Maple Cookies


Lemon Drop Cookies






Banana Crisp Cookies



Available as an Amazon ebook, coming soon.  $4.99
Available as an Amazon ebook, coming soon. $3.99

















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