S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker

S’mores Brownies

Warning: These are rich, decadent, packed with sugar and in no way at all healthy! But man, are they good :).

S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker

If you’re looking for a different take on S’mores, the classic graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow sandwich, one that doesn’t require a campfire and 15 napkins to clean up afterwards, look no further. These have the classic layering of the wonderful S’mores, while being nicely nestled between fudgy chocolate brownies.  They are great for a packed lunch, picnic, celebration or special event.  Please don’t make these all the time; I don’t want to be responsible for your waistline!! 🙂

I totally nicked this idea from The Misadventures of a Foodie, I just substituted everything to make it vegan-friendly :).

S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
S’mores Brownies

For those of you who understand the difficulty in finding vegan graham crackers (they usually have honey in them), I have to tell you that I found these at my local Hannafords. The original red box Nabisco’s Grahams are “accidentally vegan” (because I’m sure Nabisco didn’t go out of their way to make them vegan!).  The original Nabisco’s don’t have honey, while the newer package does; so keep an eye out for this red box!  In the past, I’ve been able to get the original package online but even that has become harder and harder.  So when I walked into the Hannafords and they had a giant Fourth of July display of the red box Nabisco Grahams I almost freaked out. I immediately asked to talk to a store manager, and I’m sure he thought I was nutso, to find out if this was a special display or whether they always carry the original (needed to figure out how many I should buy!).  But he assured me (several times) that they always carry them and so made this vegan a very happy girl.  S’mores, you are no longer my nemesis!! (this is also thanks to Chicago Foods who make Dandies vegan marshmallows which are awesome!)

S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Accidentally Vegan, yay! 🙂
Grahams, chocolate chips and marshmallows yum yum!
Grahams, chocolate chips and marshmallows yum yum!

I made these brownies for The Leftover’s Club, an awesome group of bloggers who send each other treats in the mail every month (you should join us!).  This month I was matched with Shaina at Take a Bite out of Boca and hopefully these brownies make it safely to her! We decided on a Fourth of July theme and I can’t think of anything more “fourth-y” than S’mores :). To see what everyone else made, follow this link:

S’mores Brownies

(16 servings)

  • One recipe brownie batter (I used my favorite brownie recipe Amazing Vegan Brownies)
  • 1 sleeve vegan graham crackers
  • 2 cups vegan mini marshmallows, or a combination of mini & regular size. (I wouldn’t recommend using all big ones, it is hard to get the brownie batter to cover them.)
  • 1 cup vegan chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line a 9×13 pan with foil and spray lightly with oil.
  2. Make the brownie batter according to directions (don’t bake it yet!)
  3. Spread half the brownie batter in the bottom of the prepared pan.  It will be thick and goopy and hard to spread, but if you wet the back of a spoon with hot water and use that, it should go easier.  The batter will be a very thin layer
  4. Arrange the graham crackers on top of the brownie batter.
  5. Sprinkle chocolate chips and marshmallows of top of graham crackers.
  6. Using a teaspoon, drop the remaining batter in spoonfuls all over the top of the marshmallows, chocolate and grahams. It will look crazy and messy and it won’t cover the whole thing, but that’s ok.  Letting some of the marshmallow ooze out is a good thing!
  7. Bake according to brownie recipe instructions, 40 minutes if you use the recipe above.
  8. Let cool completely and dive in!
S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Arrange graham crackers over first layer of batter.
S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Layer marshmallows and chocolate chips on top of graham crackers.


S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Drop dollops of remaining batter on top.
S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
If you are using regular size marshmallows, put the batter on them the best you can.
S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Just out of the oven. See how puffy the marshmallows get!
S'mores Brownies | The Lazy Vegan Baker
The marshmallows deflate a bit as it cools.



16 thoughts on “S’mores Brownies”

  1. Here I am, trying to be healthy, and you post *that*??? I mean, really. 😉

      1. Yeah, yeah. You say sorry, but I imagine you sitting there rubbing your hands together, snickering.

    1. Thanks! Yes, you must find Dandies. They are so the perfect marshmallow and all vegan :). The best part – they roast perfectly over a campfire!

      Edit: oh my goodness, I just saw your post for S’mores Chocolate Tart. Holy decadence that looks good!!!!

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