Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Have you discovered the wonders of mug cakes yet? It’s all the sweet satisfaction of cake without the 10 other servings taunting you to be eaten. It’s especially nice if you live alone, or with someone who doesn’t eat cake at a fast enough rate (you know who you are!), because it doesn’t go to waste. Or end up all on only your waistline because you can’t say no to a beautiful layered thing sitting on the counter top all frosted and enticing.

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Mug cakes are perfect to satisfy the cravings and are so simple to make, it’s kinda ridiculous. Cake in less than 5 minutes. Yes please!

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

If you haven’t discovered these sandwich cookies yet, you are missing out. Organic, Non-gmo, and certified(!) VEGAN. Oh dear me, I almost wish I had never stumbled upon them. I’ve had the Vanilla Cupcake ones (which this mug cake is made with) and the Peanut Butter ones (which disappeared waaay to fast to even find their way into a recipe). They actually make a Strawberry Shortcake Sandwich Cookie, which I bet would be awesome in this cake, but I couldn’t find them :-(.  Toss all those other sandwich cookies out the door; you know which ones I’m talking about, with their palm oil and corn syrup and hydrogenated this and that. These cookies are where it’s at.

Shared on Plant Based Potluck!

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker

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Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake

(makes one serving)

This recipe needs a 10 or 12 oz coffee mug, anything smaller and the cake will overflow.

  • five Vanilla Cupcake Sandwich Cookies
  • 3 tablespoons all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons strawberry jam
  1. In a 10 or 12 oz coffee mug, smash up the sandwich cookies with a fork or spoon to pea size(ish) bits.
  2. Add the flour and baking powder and mix up well with the crushed cookies.
  3. Stir in the oil and milk really well until it is a uniform batter.
  4. Swirl in the jam. I dolloped it into the mug and then used a chopstick to swirl it around a bit.
  5. Microwave on high 1 1/2 – 2 minutes until spongy, risen and done. You can check the doneness by lightly touching the top of the cake and if it springs back, it’s done.
  6. Serve with coconut whipped cream, more cookies and chocolate sauce, or enjoy it as is :-).
Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Cookies in Mug. Smash ’em up.
Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Cookies, flour & baking powder all mixed together.
Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Batter with jam swirled in; ready for the microwave.

8 thoughts on “Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Mug Cake”

  1. Pingback: Share Vegan Food & Fun at the Plant Based Potluck Party Link Up #70

  2. Oh man, this sounds out-of-control good. Not sure I’d be safe with that many sandwich cookies in the house, though; I’m extremely talented at eating cookies! 😉

    1. Those cookies are wicked dangerous, like more so than other kinds. I have pkg of their peanut butter cup cookies and oh man oh man. Really though, you should try them! 🙂

  3. Pingback: 24 Quick Vegan Mug Cake Recipes (No egg, Dairy-free) - The Green Loot

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