The Best Blueberry Pie Ever. For Real. And Pear Pie Too.

I’m busy busy working on the cookie e-book and it is so close to being done!  Just a little more editing and a bit of formatting, the little boring bits, and it will be available on Amazon for all!

I have to confess, though, that I’ve been letting the vegetable garden steal my focus – it’s just that time of year, the garden laden with fresh vegetables, demanding to be canned or frozen (check out the Cantaloupe Jam I made last week!)

It doesn’t help that my dad, wanting to take advantage of the amazing blueberry season we are having, asked me if I want to go blueberry picking on a Saturday morning and well, we came back with 30 pounds of blueberries!  Still not enough!!  Kidding.  Sort of.

Raw Blueberries in bottom of crust
Raw Blueberries in bottom of crust
Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie

Anyways, on our way, we get to talking about blueberry pies, and pops asks me if I’ve ever had a “fresh” blueberry pie before.  Yes, of course I have, I’ve made countless blueberry pies with raw blueberries in a pie shell and then baked.  No, no, no, he says, with raw and cooked blueberries in it.  Go on, I say.  And he does.  Raw blueberries on the bottom and a cooked blueberry topping, and a crust that is pre-baked; it’s amazing.  But here’s the kicker.  He’s never made it before.  This is a pie he had at a local church’s blueberry supper fundraiser.  Oh.  But, pops says, he’s pretty sure it’s in the Fannie Farmer.

Slice of blueberry pie :)
Slice of blueberry pie 🙂

As soon as we get home, with pounds of blueberries in tow, he finds it.  Sure enough, it’s a classic Fannie Farmer recipe, and I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before.  So, I made it.  And, yep, pops was right.  Best blueberry pie ever.  And I made a pear one too, just because there were pears ripe and picked the day before.  That was really good too!

Pears from the farm.
Bartlett pears from the farm.

This pie is super simple to make, especially if you get a pre-made pie crust.  There are a few vegan ones out there.  I ended up making my own, but (and I hate to say this, being a baker and all, it almost feels sacrilegious) I hate making pie crusts.  I love the ease and quickness of the store-bought ones and there are some pretty good quality ones out there.

Forkful of pie!
Forkful of pie!


The Best Blueberry Pie Ever. For Real. And Pear Pie Too.
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Open Blueberry Pie (adapted from the Fannie Farmer cookbook)
Jenny Dunklee | The Lazy Vegan Baker:
Serves: 8
  • pre-made (store-bought) pie crust, baked per instructions on package.
  • 1 quart blueberries (4 cups)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vegan butter or margarine (optional)
  1. In a medium saucepan, mix the sugar and cornstarch.
  2. Add 1 cup of the blueberries, water and salt and cook over low heat until thick (about 15 minutes, I think).
  3. Add the vegan butter if using.
  4. Arrange the remaining 3 cups uncooked blueberries in the bottom of your pre-baked crust.
  5. Pour cooked blueberry mixture over the raw berries.
  6. Cover with plastic wrap and chill 1 hour, minimum.

Pear Pie
Pear Pie

To Make Open Pear Pie:  I followed the exact same method when making the pear pie, except I used 4 cups diced pears and I added 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger.  Mmmmm.

Slice of Pear Pie
Slice of Pear Pie



2 thoughts on “The Best Blueberry Pie Ever. For Real. And Pear Pie Too.”

  1. Pingback: 32 Best Vegan Pies

  2. Pingback: 20+ Vegan Holiday Pies even Grandma would approve of!

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