Bluebarb Sauce in the Slow Cooker (Bluebarb = Rhubarb + Blueberries)

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Bluebarb Sauce with egg free meringue whip
Bluebarb Sauce with egg free meringue whip
Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker

Everyone always talks about rhubarb and strawberries, as if they are the only fruit you can pair rhubarb with, like they’re long-lost twins who need to be in each other’s company, but there is something far better than the rhubarb/strawberry combination and this is it.  Blueberries and Rhubarb are a great match, with the sweetness of the blueberries complementing the sourness of the rhubarb.  I found it didn’t even need a whole lot of sweetener as the blueberries acted as a natural sweetener.

But really, this recipe was created for all of those out there, myself included, who hate the taste/texture/ and overall weirdness of cooked strawberries. Don’t be ashamed, you are not alone; strawberries should not be cooked, just eaten fresh! Blueberries, on the other hand, are wonderful cooked & baked & roasted & tossed in the slow cooker! And isn’t the color just amazing.

Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Bluebarb sauce

Some ways to enjoy Bluebarb Sauce

topping for ice cream, served with meringues, eaten plain or with a dollop of coconut whipped cream, in oatmeal or other hot breakfast cereal (my personal favorite!)


This post has been added to the awesome  Plant Based Potluck Linkup – visit the potluck party for inspiration and awesome recipes! Also on my favorite Healthy Vegan Fridays, another awesome place for recipes and inspiration.

Bluebarb Sauce in the Slow Cooker (Bluebarb = Rhubarb + Blueberries)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Blueberries and Rhubarb combined in the slow cooker (crockpot) to make an awesome dessert sauce.
Jenny Dunklee | The Lazy Vegan Baker:
Serves: 5
  • 3 lbs rhubarb, cut in 1" pieces
  • 2 lbs blueberries, fresh or frozen (just defrost them before putting in the slow cooker)
  • 1½ cups maple syrup (you can use more or less, depending on your own preference)
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  1. Throw all ingredients in the slow cooker
  2. Set on low and let it cook for 4 hours.
  3. Remove the lid, turn it to high and let it cook for another 3-4 hours until it reaches your desired consistency.  Removing the lid allows a lot of the water to evaporate off and makes a thicker sauce.
  4. Store in jars in the fridge up to 2 weeks or freeze. You can also make ice cubes of the sauce and store it that way for easy use later on.


Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Bluebarb Sauce | The Lazy Vegan Baker
Bluebarb Sauce with crushed up meringues



11 thoughts on “Bluebarb Sauce in the Slow Cooker (Bluebarb = Rhubarb + Blueberries)”

  1. Love Love Love rhubarb! Never thought to use a slow cooker, awesome recipe Jenny thank you! 🙂

  2. This sounds like an awesome combo! I will admit that I normally just throw rhubarb with strawberries. Although I have been known to throw in some raspberries. And my husband loves combining them with cherries, but blueberries haven’t made it into our creations yet. And I triple love the name Bluebarb =)
    Thanks so much for sharing this at Healthy Vegan Fridays! I am pinning this this awesome recipe and patiently wait more of your recipes!

    1. Ah, thank you! 🙂 I don’t know how exactly the term was coined but growing up the berry farm near me always made bluebarb jam and it was my favorite, maybe it’s a vermont thing :). I need to try the sauce with cherries and raspberries – I’ve never had those combos!

  3. It’s amazing how versatile slow cookers can be!I am delighted that you shared your healthy and delicious Bluebarb Sauce recipe with us on the Plant-Based Potluck Party Link Up. I appreciate it and I can’t wait to try your recipe. I’m pinning and sharing.

  4. Pingback: Peachy Rhubarb Sauce (in the Slow Cooker) | The Lazy Vegan Baker

  5. I had a lot of fresh rhubarb to use up so I googled some recipes and found yours. I just happened to have some blueberries in the freezer. I am eating it warm from the crock pot as I type. OH EM GEE! This stuff is the BOMB! Thank you.


      Woohoo!! Oh, isn’t it the best when that happens?! So glad you liked it and happy I can help with the rhubarb bounty. It’s one of my favorite recipes too; it’s especially good warm on top of icecream ;-).

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